
Early Bird Offer

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24 : 00 : 00


Join us for our annual Exhibition, where we showcase innovative companies and startups from around the world who are creating the next big thing. Apply now to become a part of the program and gain exclusive opportunities to pitch your company or startup, get valuable exposure, connect with potential partners and investors, and more. Don't miss this chance to take your business to the next level and be a part of the future of entrepreneurship.

2023 Exhibitors

Exhibition Benefits


  • Dedicated & Bespoke Exhibition Space Custom signage designed and printed by the Africa Startup Team.


  • Need a time with an investor, you'd get a quickfire pitch slot

Exposure + Lead Generation + Traction:

  • Exposure to a targeted audience: The festival attracts a diverse range of attendees, including investors, industry experts, and potential customers who are specifically interested in startups. This provides you with a captive audience to showcase your products or services to.
  • Gain unparalleled exposure with your placement in Spark Africa's highly anticipated 2024 Founders Africa Magazine.
  • Take advantage of dedicated features on Spark Africa's social media channels, including Instagram takeovers and tweets, to showcase your company and connect with potential partners and investors pre and post the Africa Startup Festival.
  • Elevate your company's recruitment efforts with job board promotion to all conference attendees at the Africa Startup Festival.
  • By exhibiting at the festival, you can increase your brand awareness and get your company in front of a large audience. This can lead to increased visibility, credibility, and trust, which are important factors in lead generation and traction.

Networking Opportunities

  • Exhibiting at the Africa Startup Festival provides unique opportunities for access and networking. By showcasing your products or services to a targeted audience of investors, industry experts, and potential customers, you gain valuable exposure and feedback that can help your startup grow.
  • Networking is also a crucial benefit of exhibiting at the festival. You can make valuable connections with other startups, investors, and industry experts, potentially leading to partnerships, investment opportunities, or other collaborations. These benefits can provide your startup with increased traction and ultimately help you take your business to the next level.

Early Bird Offer

  • 5% Discount.
  • Have access to 30% of leads of the general ASF attendees that fit your business, Special interview with spark team to be shared on all our communications platform.
  • This offer is valid while the booths last.

Let's get you started!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or +234-813-240-2114. We would be happy to speak with you and address any inquiries you may have.

How will Exhibitors Connect with
Investors at the festival:

Pitch Competitions:

  • The festival will feature several pitch competitions where exhibitors can showcase their startup and pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors. This is a great way to get in front of potential investors and secure funding for your startup.

Networking Events:

  • The festival will host several networking events where exhibitors can connect with investors in a more informal setting. These events provide an opportunity to establish relationships with investors and learn about potential investment opportunities.

Investor Matchmaking:

  • The festival will offer an investor matchmaking service where exhibitors can be matched with investors based on their business needs and investment criteria. This personalized approach can help exhibitors find the right investors to take their business to the next level.

One-on-One Meetings:

  • Exhibitors can also schedule one-on-one meetings with investors who are attending the festival. This provides a more personalized and focused opportunity to pitch their business idea and discuss potential investment opportunities.